Thursday, April 15, 2010

Examples of cold war tensions

Cold War tensions erupted in Korea during the early 1950's. At that time, North Korean troops, in collaboration with the Chinese, invaded South Korea.

-Khrushchev and Kennedy often went toe-to-toe during the Cold War.

-Truman's dislikes Stalin.

-Russia's fear of the atomic bomb.

-The dislike of capitalism.

-Expansion west into Eastern Europe.

....More To come....


  1. great post, Is all that really true, i would have never thought of that?

  2. good idea of putting it in that form it looks neat! i also like how its just short and to the point.

  3. I like how you picked broad topics to talk about.

  4. never looked at in that way like they had the same fears that we did like thea-bomb
